Friday, August 18, 2006


So even I get confused on what I am doing these days, so maybe writing it down will help me remeber.

I just moved to a new place. I got a new job. I am now working part time as a unit secretary. I will start school on Monday. My major is Exercise and Wellness with an emphasis in Health Promotion. I want to work in healthcare, but not as a nurse. WIth this degree I can be a public relations person for good health. Fun Fun!

So to sum it up, new Job, new school, new place and I will be in a new ward! I am a little stressed right now, but I know that everything will work out!


Jane said...

How was church? school? JT

Shannon said...

Wow, The new place looks so fun! What a great Major with health Promotions, You sound like your having so much fun with the single life! R U Single?

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little late but don't stress. New is FUN!