Saturday, September 16, 2006

busy, busy, busy!

I have been really bad about posting, I have had the time, I just like to put pictures on with my blog and I haven't had any way to load any up on this computer (my roommates) so I just don't post. I have been so busy the past month.

I no longer work at the hospital. I quit when they put my on the schedule for sunday's. I told them in the interview that I wouldn't do it, and they said it wouldn't be a problem...but I got my schedule and I was scheduled every other sunday. I found a new job at a dentist office. I love it and the schedule is great. The two dr's that work there are both LDS, so it is kind of fun. All the other employees are very nice and it is a fun job, perfect for me!

School is hard, but I love it. I am learning a ton and trying to stay on top of everything. I have two mid-terms next week on the same day and a huge paper due the day before the tests so I had planned to study all weekend. Those plans went out the window, because I was asked to speak tomorrow in church. I could have said no, but when am I going to be less busy???? I think I speak just as much as the prophet! This will be the 4th time in less that 2 would think that it would be easy by now, but I am already nervous. I just finished writing it, so now until tomorrow I just have to run through it a few times and I should be good, I hope....

Stake softball started again, so I play on tuesday nights and a friend from the ward has a co-ed team that I started playing on on wednesday nights. They are double headers and tons of fun. I also am on a flag football team that plays on saturdays. Today was the first time I played. I learned a lot about the sport, but it's not hard to learn a lot when you don't know anything to begin with..ha ha. I was open everytime because the girl blocking me was a lot slower than me and would just out run her. I kept telling the QB to hit me cuz I was always open. So one play he did...hit me, I took a nice shot to the face. My fault, I am not good at catching footballs. Hopefully I won't have a bruise on the side of my face for my talk tomorrow.

Got to get back to studying for my tests now! Fun Fun!


Anonymous said...

ya, hopefully your face doesn't get a bruse if it does your'll have to post a picture of it. Well it's about time you did post something, I've been checking everyday to see if you post something. And finally you have! Can't waite for the next one coming very soon!

Jane said...

good job on the post liz. i heard that if boy hits you, he likes you.