Saturday, September 23, 2006

what a week!

So I took my two tests and got my two papers written! It is such a great feeling. I will have a break for a little bit from big assignments, and I am trained at work. Today was my first day on my own...only a few problems. Let's just say the credit card machine and I aren't very good friends! :) I am having a party at my house tonight. I invited over 30 people to come and my two roommates invited people too. I was in charge of snacks. I bought 100 cans of pop from costco, some fun size candy bars, and chips, and I have to go to the store to buy some salsa. We have a couple dance mix cd's and we are hoping that the people who come will be ready to dance! I am also going to buy some worms, so whoever wants to fish can bait up a line. I will post some pics for everyone to see. Hopefully it will be fun, and the cops won't be called!

A special thanks to my big brother Jake. He called me today while I was at work to tell me that he was at my house with a new computer. I couldn't believe it, and I was crying at the front desk of work :) He bought me one because the one I had crashed and because he wants me to succeed! That will cut back on my time in the computer commons at school! yeah! My family is the best! I love all of you...thanks for watchin out for me :)

Have a great weekend


Anonymous said...

wow, that's so cool that jake brought you a new computer. I'll bet that will be helpful. have fun at your party, hope it's a success & I can't waite to see pictures!

Jane said...

That Jake, what a guy. Hope your party is a good one.

EXMARC said...