Monday, October 09, 2006

Would you rather????

Have you ever played this game? It is so fun. It asks you questions like would you rather live the rest of your life with no arms or no legs or would you rather lick the bottom of a stangers shoe or a public toilet seart? It is pretty much picking the lesser of two evils. Well, unfortunately, I had to play my own real life version of would you rather today. Tell me what you would have done! I have a habit of forgetting things when I get ready at school after my aerobics class. I was feeling pretty good today because I didn't forget anything! Yeah! I got out of the shower and took my clothes into the handicapped stall to dress, like I always do. I locked the door turned around and right as I turned around my bra fell into the toilet. I swear it all happened in slow motion. So I was left with you question....Liz, would you rather wear your bra that you just had a work out in that is very old and it was so sweaty (spinning class today) and it smelled! Or blow dry the bra that fell in the toilet, after all, it was early in the morning and the toilet had been cleaned the night before. Not the situation I wanted to be in first thing Monday morning!

So I bet you are wondering what I did. I decided to wear the sweaty one...Until I put it on and could smell it and it was gross. So I took the other one and blow dried it with the time I had left and cruised to my next class. I put my backpack on and when I took it off the water from the straps had left marks on my shirt... It was fantastic!

I am typing this on my new computer that now has internet and word loaded! Thanks Jake and Kelly!


Anonymous said...

ya, umm! well, that stinks. sorry about that. I think I would rather blow dry the bra.

Jane said...

hahahahahaha. Sounds like my life.

Jake and Kelly gave us that game for Christmas. The kids love it.

Anonymous said...

I tagged you check out my blog if you did get the email!

Anonymous said...

i would have done the sweaty bra for sure.....but then again my bras have never been to stinky after working out :)