I need some help, so please leave a comment on the following question. I don't know if I ever posted about my church calling before. But I absolutely love it! Our stake, which is made up of 8 singles wards, has created a Wellness program. There is a stake committee and then each of the wards has wellness reps who teach Sunday School lessons related to wellness. The lessons are a taught in a 4 week series (1. Body is a Temple 2. Physical Activity 3. Nutrition 4.Goal Setting.) I am a wellness rep for our ward and love teaching the classes.
Well, at our stake meeting last week, one of the girls on the stake committee suggested doing a challenge between a couple of the relief societies from different wards. A walking challenge, or weight loss. But we agreed that it was a touchy subject and that it wouldn't work. Well on Tuesday night, a girl from my ward (who just got put in as the stake activities committee co-chair) suggested doing a "biggest loser" competition in our ward. She wants to test it in our ward and if it works go on to the stake level.
I am all about this and think it is a great idea, but I have to announce it to the ward...and I am just not sure how to tactfully say that. I don't really want to call it the "biggest loser" competition but that is exactly what it is. I don't want to offend anyone, but I think it would be good for those you just need a kick in the pants.
I am in charge of a ward wellness FHE on September 17, so I figured it could be our kick-off and we would do weigh ins that night and have everyone come in work out clothes and have circuits set up on how to work out at home (ex:balls, band, weights) I also am going to put out a calendar of events for 6 weeks for people to attend. Running, walking, hiking groups etc. We are also going to talk to local gyms to see if we can get some guest passes so we can offer aerobics classes to those interested in that. I am planning on sending out weekly e-mails of healthy meal choices and recipes. We have a ward web-site where we will post who is in the lead and everyone would have a code name, so it wouldn't have to be public that you are in it. Our ward has "homecoming week" every year. We always have a homecoming king/queen. This year it is 6 weeks after the kick-off FHE, so we are going to name the "biggest loser" with the homecoming king/queen. ironic I know. Maybe the biggest loser (male/female) should be the king/queen!!!
The goal of this would be, like I said before, to give those that need it a kick in the butt. We also want to get people used to exercising and eating right. I really have good intentions behind the competition, but I know it is touchy and announcing that from the pulpit on Sunday might not go over so well. So please comment and let me know how I could word it...or things not to say :)
PS...this still has to be cleared by the powers that be...AKA the bishop.
And one other thing. The Ensign called the girl in charge of the stake wellness program and is doing an article on the wellness program we are doing. So it this goes well, maybe I will be in the Ensign. I am pretty sure either way I will have a quote in it though! I have been giving her a lot of feedback about the classes and talk to her quite a bit. Fun!
It's late sorry this is long. But when are my posts not long???? Goodnight!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Please Help!
from the desk of
12:53 AM
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1 comment:
so i don't know if i'm too late but yes, "the biggest loser" contest doesn't sound right. maybe something like "get in gear" or "get in shape" contest, just something a little more tacktful (sp). but it sounds really awesome.
if you get in the ensign you have to be sure to let us know so i can look it up
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