Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Here is a quick post.

School has again taken over my life. I can't go anywhere, or do anything without feeling guilty or having an assignment hang over my head. I am doing pretty well I guess, given my load this semester. I am almost done with my internship at the YMCA....thanks goodness! IT has been a trial to say the least. I took my first Bio test, I got a 76% the average was a 68% so the teacher gave us an extra credit assignment. It was on the endocrine system, the hardest section.

This past weekend was super busy. I had a softball game on Friday night, I got out twice because I fouled out, but my hits were actually pretty good, right between the short stop and second and they felt good and solid! We killed the other team. Church softball is on Tuesdays and I am the coach (Like I needed something else to keep me busy...seriously I am CRaZy!!!) We accidentally have a stacked team. Yes, accidentally. New people moved into the ward and we just stcuck them on teams. The guys we got ended up being very good. I think I will be on two championship teams! Fun!

I had a training this past weekend on Hapari swimsuit parites. I ended up selling two suits and I had a dinner group here on Sunday and all the girls from the ward were trying them on and want to buy them. They will sell themselves...and that will be nice :)

I went to do baptisms last week, and I am going to go again in the morning, it is our stake temple day. I am singing in the ward choir for stake conference on Sunday. Elder Eyring will be here for the dedication of the new ASU Institute. Michael Crow ( mr money bags!!!!) and Janet Napolitano will be there. I think I am going to be an usher to show them around the institute on Saturday. (Again, something else to keep me busy because I just don't have enough as it is!)

The physical activity program starts next monday. I will post the calendar of everything going on. It has consumed my life and I would rather work on that than homework, but I told myself I can only work on it on Sunday's. I taught my physical activity lesson on Sunday and I think it went well.

OK, not so quick but that was my intent. until next time....


Beeswax said...

I'm glad you met Davey and Daniel. Melanie said Davey is in your ward.You should hang out with them! They are nice boys.

Born2Save said...

Lizzie it's too bad you're not busy! Enjoy it though...
Let me know when you have a second to breathe and we'll go out to lunch again, I always like hearing about your latest adventures! :)