Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bits and Pieces

I need to be doing homework, but oh well, my blog needs a new post!

So last week was busy, but that's ok. I got everything done that I needed to. I found out today that I did ok on my test last week.

Saturday I went rock climbing for the first time in probably 4 years, and before that time I had never gone before. I guess I did pretty good. It was with a group from my ward. I was scared to death and was shaking while holding on to grips on the mountain that were about an inch. I wanted to be let down, but the people at the top and bottom could not hear me, and even if they could they probably would have told me to keep going anyway, so I just kept going. I think the hardest part was having to climb back over the mountain and be let down...ah!!

Here is a picture of what I climbed. It is on the head of camelback mountain. It is the little part on the left that is sticking up by itself. It is called the praying monk and it was about 100 ft.

We left before 6 am and didn't get back until 3:30pm. It was a long day. Then we had the Stake Girl ask Guy Luau. This year I only asked one guy and he agreed to go. Luckily I didn't have a repeat of last year! Click here to read about last year if you don't remember. All of my roommates went, and we all had a ton of fun together. I was looking up the pictures from that night on the stake website and they weren't there but I saw the Halloween pics from last year and I found mine, and they had added a backgroud by way of a green screen, so here is last year's pic. It is my friend Jenn, Molly and me as Troll dolls.

Ok, so tonight I am off to softball. Our team has been horrible lately, we better get it together tonight and win!!!


http://canyonsports.com/ said...

That rock looks a little more intimidating than you described it. I could probably climb it with one hand tied behind my back. I would just take my shoes off for better grip and use my bionic front teeth for secure holds.

heidi said...

scary rock climing, i haven't been if forever but that scary part for you is the same for me, wow!

i love the troll doll costume way fun. & glad to hear you only had to ask one guy to the luau to get a date

Anonymous said...

Troll dolls with hooker boots, nice.

Gini said...

Nice hair. I'm glad you didn't fall down the mountain. I can't take anymore stress right now. Haha

Beeswax said...

I love that picture. I went rock climbing with some boys in college. I was a huge weanie. I would have bawled like a baby if the boys hadn't been so cute.

I tagged you on my blog.

PMClan said...

Your ward does a lot of fun things! I love the troll outfits!