Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary----updated

I have italicized and bolded everything that I got done...slowly but surely!! :)

To MOM and DAD and Brigham and Tammy!

On my crazy to do list...I hope I get some sort of divine intervention to help me complete all of this:

Due Sunday Night-----ALL OF THESE ARE DONE!!!! YEAH!!!!

*8-10 page paper for my body image class...all researach done already
*Anaylsis of the "Bad Hair Day" ....the results are pretty good...thanks everyone
*Disscussion Assignment on an online chat board about obese children in my life....hmmm better be looking around for one???

Due Monday by NOON
*Biology assignment and Take home test
*Midterm for holistic health
*Assignment for my fit for life class which has proved to be straight busy work!!!! Drives me nuts!

ALso on the to do list...
*Work today from 1:30 to 6 and tomorrow from 11:15 to 5:30
*Teach Sunday school...oh yeah, gotta plan my lesson. Yikes!
*Softball game tonight at 8:30

*ASU football game with a small group from the ward. The Bishop invited 16 people to go and have a little tail gate party, how could I say no?? DECIDED NOT TO GO

*Oh yeah, dinner group for my ward Sunday at 6:00...I got lucky and got the Bishop's house, which means he provides all the food. Good for me because if it were anywhere else I would have to make something.

You may be thinking that I should not be blogging, but getting this stuff done, you are right, but I had to write down all that I had to do somewhere so that I didn't forget something :)
Wish me luck! Have a great weekend, I don't think I will have one


heidi said...

good luck, glad it's your list & not mine, sorry ;0)

Gini said...

Keep at it Liz.. you're almost done now.. 2 months!