Monday, October 01, 2007


I am doing a survey for one of my classes and need all of you who read my blog to answer the folling questions and answer in my comments section as "anonymous"


1. On a scale from 1-5, how do you feel about yourself and your appearance on a day when you are having a "Bad Hair Day?" 1 being lower self esteem, 5 being higher

2. On a scale from 1-5 how do you feel about yourself and your appearance on a day when you are having a "Good Hair Day?"

And what is your age?

Thanks so much...I need as many people to answer as possible

oh also here is the disclaimer from ASU, to make this legal :)

By agreeing to participate in this study, I am acknowledging this is a class project for EXW 310, Fall 2007. Any results are anonymous, and I can stop my participation at any time.


chase said...

On a bad hair day it's a 3 a good one it's a deffinate 5 cause i know i look good

Ally said...

That was from Ally

Anonymous said...

1. 2
2. 4
Age 25

Anonymous said...

1. 3
2. 5

Anonymous said...

BTW, a bad hair day is when I don't brush my hair, a good hair day is anything better than that!

Like you can't tell who we are by our ages, sneaky lizzie.

Anonymous said...

1. 2
2. 5

Anonymous said...

Age 32 almost 33!!
Sneaky lizzie!!

Lizzie said...

for the record...I have no idea how old anyone is. So I am not trying to figure it out. My teacher actually told me that I had to ask the ages. It's more work for me! Thanks for filling it out :)

Anonymous said...

1. 5
2. 5
It doesn't matter anymore. I don't care if I'm having a bad hair day. Age 58

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm so slow to respond.
1. 5
2. 5
PS, just glad to have hair:-)

Anonymous said...

1. 3
2. 5
Age 28

Anonymous said...

don't know if you still need this but i'll do it anyway

1. 3
2. 4
age 24