Friday, November 02, 2007


So I got double Tagged by the Kelly's, so I guess I better finish up this tag thing!

#3-I used to watch Saved by the Bell every day. I still know just about every episode and could probably kick anyone's butt in a SBTB Trivia Constest.

#4- I would say that I am a little more addicted to Reality than I should be...Survivor, Biggest Loser, Beauty and the Geek, Bachelor and some others when they are Amazing Race, which Jake, Jane and Todd and I applied to be on at one time. Ha

#5- I hate eating breakfast. Well maybe not hate it, but I just never make it a priority. I am not a big cereal fan, but I have about 20 boxes of it because I got it on sale. It is a bad habit that I am trying to break because I get headaches mid-afternoon because I haven't eaten.

#6-I have a pretty good memory. I will remember the craziest things and a lot of people are surprised by the things I remember.

#7-The day that I got Tagged by Kelly B to wrtie "7" things about me, I went to Trader Joe's and bought some sourdough cheese bread, pesto and sugar snap peas (which I love!) My total at the cash register came up to $7.77. Weird!


Molly said...

Ok..its updated now!

EuroScan said...

1. Love the costume.
2. Bargains must run in the Beeson family!
3. I could use your memory services since I frequently suffer stml (short term memory loss.) :)

Kathy said...

You are funny.

Anonymous said...

OK..This is a random post. Your mom emailed my mom and gave your blog address to her. How's it going? I haven't talked to since you called right after I had my daughter which was like 4 years ago!!!! I'm going to enjoy checking up on you!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and...haha...this is Ashley Jenkins.