Sunday, November 11, 2007

I survived my stay in the Haunted Mansion

....and with six kiddos! Nothing really, piece of cake ;) I saw my very first real and alive scorpion. That was kind of fun and scary at the same time. Jane has great kids and we had a lot of fun. It was nice to go back to single Lizzie with no kids yesterday. I kinda had no idea what to do though. So, I went grocery shopping, the bath & body and then did homework, laundry, picked up my room, made soup, and watched a movie. It was so weird not to have any plans, and it was nice! I am so used to being busy that it was a needed break!

Bath and body sent out an e-mail saying that their shimmer lotions were 75% off, making them $2.62. I went to the store and the workers had not heard of that, so I had them scan one and yup, they were. They only had 3 kinds, so I bought 5 of them, enough to get my free body spray with a coupon. I was getting on here to post about it to let everyone know to go there tomorrow and get some and I went to get a pic off of their website, and they are only 50% off now. So around $5, still cheap and a good gift idea... (it is the older packaging of the shimmer lotion, not the new ones in Christmas bottles)

I finished my final project for the teacher who didn't take my midterm, and I finished it 4 weeks early. TAKE THAT!!!! UHHHHH I better get full credit, and no lectures about waiting til the last minute

I made broccoli soup from scratch, but here is what happened. I hate onions, so when it said it only wanted half and onion, I though, what the heck am I going to do with the rest of this, so I put the whole thing in. To balance it all out, I had to put in more celery and carrots. So by the time I put the broccoli in it was really chunky. I was having a hard time with that, so I decided to blend it to make it smoother. The texture is gross. I don't really mind textures of food, but the texture of the soup felt like it had already been chewed. I put lots of crackers in it and then it wasn't so bad. It tasted really good though. My roommate liked it, before I blended it. So next time, I will just have to cut it up in smaller pieces.

Have a great Sunday. I am going early to go to choir then I have to make dessert for our dinner groups tonight. The guy that is hosting ours is making PF Chang's version of Honey Seared Chicken, my fav! Have a good day :)


PMClan said...

No ghost sightings? I did alot of babysitting for my bros. and sisters when I was single. Since you don't like onions maybe next time you could juice the onion then add it to the soup. It makes the flavor even better! Enjoy the single life!

Anonymous said...

A huge house does not sound fun to me. So far to walk to get from one end to the other, so much to clean. Man, I'm lazy.

jt said...

very funny. thanks again for watching the kids. glad you are taking notes...this was a field experiment to go with your education. :)

Anonymous said...

Well said.