Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Did someone forget to inform mother nature that it is NOVEMBER???? It should be cold outside, but instead, jeans are still too warm. I bet the snowbirds are going to have a stroke, literally, heat stroke!!!

On the brighter side of things, I fit in to one size smaller pant size at GAP today...sweet!

I joined a gym, and I am so excited about it. The worked the guy over a little and I got 1 free month, and my start up fee was 75% off and I don't have to pay until Feb. The good things about this gym are that each treadmill has its own tv, they have DDR (dance dance revolution), the group classes are awesome (light shows and big screens), and I get a lot of personal training included. They also have a nice pool, hot tub, sauna, and tanning for super cheap (not that I go tanning, but if I wanted to it would be $5)

I turned in a midterm worth 50 points 8 minutes late (online class) and the teacher gave me a ZERO!!! I was so bugged. It was 11 pages long. I have 100% in the class, and she gave me this huge lecture by e-mail that I was too good of a student to do that to myself, blah blah blah, and that it was unfair to other students who turned theirs in on time, blah blah blah. I was so ticked! I think that if I didn't have 100 in the class she would have given me points. I can still pass so she knows it won't hurt me so I think she is trying to teach me a lesson. I am still graduating with honors, so a 69.5=C won't hurt me :)


Anonymous said...

What a butt head teacher! Congrats on fitting into a smaller size- that always makes ya feel good!


Hi Liz! It's Summer (Johnson). How are you? Good luck with the gym. That's awesome on fitting into smaller jeans!

Beeswax said...

Oh Liz, I'm so sorry. Eleven pages, down the drain. Now I'm stressed out. What's the old saying? In the long run,small pants are better than good grades.

Beeswax said...

Or something like that...

Gini said...

I'm guessing this new gym isn't the YMCA???? Do you want me to write your teacher a poison pen letter?

Gini said...

I would be willing to bet that the mean teacher read your paper and felt guilty.

Lynsey said...

What I wouldn't do for Arizona winters... I'm excited to come for Thanksgiving. I was waiting till we came down to give you a call, but it was good to hear from you sooner. You look great... It seems like it's been forever since I've seen you. The amazing world of blogs brings us all back together!

Shannon said...

I totally agree with you on the Weather! Maybe it's "global warming"!;)
AWESOME with the Pants size!!! That Gym sounds Amazing, i love the treadmills with their own TV!

Stinks about 11 pages down the drain!! UGH...

Anonymous said...

We must go to the gym together soon.

Anonymous said...

How warm is it down there? Where are you going to school? Geez...I don't have a clue what is going on with you!!! Nicole had her baby this morning. Haven't seen him yet, but my mom says he is so cute (but of course grandma would say that!)

Britt said...

i would be pissed. stupid teacher!! and 11 page paper.. I'd be throwing a FIT!