Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Grad Pics

Here are the professional pics from graduation. Got my GPA today and was shocked...4.018 Ha Ha. Sweet! The teacher who never gives A+'s gave me one for my internship report that was 20+ pages. And I the stupid YMCA never sent in my final report, but he still gave me all the points for it. So anyway, I got straight A's except the B in my Body Image class because my midterm was 8 minutes late. I should have had an A+ in there too, but I don't care now becuase I am done!!!

Thanks to all my family who helped me out through school. It made a huge difference and I really appreciate all of you!


aristella said...

congrats!! :)

Britt said...

yay!! go liz!! you look gorgeous!

Candace said...

Those are great pictures of you- very pretty! Congratulations! I have huge admiration for those who make it all the way through college- it isn't easy!

Beeswax said...

You look like hot stuff in those pictures. You could totally use them to lure in really smart guys. I am so proud of you!



heidi said...

yeah, congrats, that's so exciting. i love the picture of you jumping in the air