Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Computer Overload!!!

Ever since I have started this new job, I hate coming home to my computer. I don't want anything to do with it-blogging included :) I spend enough time with the one at work.

Work has been getting better, maybe because the computers broke last week so we all just got to hang out???

Last Friday night my city league softball played in a tournament. To make it to the tournament you have to one of the top two teams for each night (there are four nights that co-ed leagues play) So there are a total of 8 teams in the tournament. We placed 2nd in our Thursday night league, but we were seated 8th in the tournament. The way bracketing works in the worst team plays the best team in the first round. So we played the best team first...it was a close game and we beat them by 1 run. So we played again. WE were up by 1 run again in the next game, but we made the 3rd out wtih 1 second left on the clock, so the game should have been over, but we had to play another inning and we ended up beating them by 7 instead of 1. So we played again (game #3) and we played really, really well and ended up scoring 24 runs!!! My last at bat, I hit an in the park homer, and it wasn't even due to errors!! It was a lot of fun and we won the championship!!! Here is our team pic. I just got my hair cut and I was having trouble getting it out of my face so I had a headband on and I look so stupid...but whatever :)

Jane and I are going to NYC next week with my friend Jenn. I am sooooooo excited!!! I have never been and always wanted to go.

I am going to dollar taco night at Cafe Rio with my roomies and girl friends and then to Body Jam!!
I am going to be more consistant with blogging...I promise!


Unknown said...

way to go liz. nothing like a homer in the tourny. Hopefully we can do as good this fri.

Lizzie said...

wait....your tournament wasn't last friday??? I thought that was why dad left my game. OOOOOOOOOO

EuroScan said...

I'm almost more excited about the new blog post than the softball tourney, but congrats on the homer and wins! You are awesome and will double-love NYC. Be sure to ride the subway, see a show, and go to the camera store:)

Shannon said...

DOLLAR TACO NIGHT..at CAFE RIO!! How do i not know about this.
Congrats on the Softball tournament. You are going to have a blast in NY Especially with Jane~ That girl knows NYC!! Have so much fun!!!

heidi said...

sorry about work. great job with the baseball/softball?

have fun in NYC!

Chelle said...

Hey Liz.. Wondering if you remember me.. Brittany Sondrups little sis. It's been forever since i have seen you atleast 5 years! Sounds like you are super busy!