Thursday, September 28, 2006

so far this week

This week has been great so far...I caught up on missed sleep from last weekend! What a great feeling! The party was fun...some friends of a friend of my roommate showed up with liquor and I kicked them was pretty funny, not at my house : ) around 11:00 the cops showed up to tell me to turn off the music. BUMMER! I worked hard to get a good mix of cd's made. Oh well, i guess our neighborhood isn't really a party crowd.

Tuesday I played softball. I only had a minor injury..but I got a HUGE bruise that is really pretty on the upper part of my calf. I was running home and the throw was coming in and hit me. I thought it hit my foot because my foot went numb. What was funny was that I was running so fast that I couldn't stop because I couldn't feel my leg. I hit the fence and fell down. I still thought that the ball had hit my foot until about and hour later when I started to gain feeling again and looked at the back of my leg and saw the imprint of the ball was so weird.
I played a double header last night with another co-ed team that I am on. After a few bad at bats, I finally got a good hit...a three run homer! woo hoo! It wasn't over the fence, but a nice line drive up the third base line. I just kept running and the girl out there ended up throwing her glove a the ball to stop it...sucker! I love playing double headers because you have enough time to make up for errors on the second game.
I had aerobics wednesday morning and it was conditioning the whole class. I am feeling the burn and the aches and the pains. going to the bathroom is definitely a chore quads are a little tender. Even the muscles around my collar bone hurt! I din't know I had muscle there :) I am on my way to the YMCA to hit the treadmill. For one of my classes we have to pick a behavior change. Mine is to walk more, so for the next 2 weeks I have a goal to walk 13, 000 steps a day. YEsterday I got 15, 700 (due to softball). So today I have to get to the treadmill if I am going to make it.
My teacher sent me an e-mail yesterday to let me know that I got a 96% on my midterm!!!! yeah!!! I had asked him after class if we would get them back on thursday and he said yes. In his e-mail he said he thought that i was stressing about the results and wanted me to be able to breathe again and that's why he e-mailed me. the funny thing is that I didn't think that he even knew who I was. I was happy with my score becasue he is the teacher that everyone says gives the hardest tests and scares you about. Now I know for myself!


Anonymous said...

wow, scary about the numb foot. sorry the cops busted the party & good job on your midterm

Jane said...

Nice pics Liz...looks like fun

Jane said...

I think you have a stalker. you know who I mean? looks like uncle george.