Sunday, October 15, 2006

What I Learned

So I leared a lot at church today. I love the Sunday's when you feel like you learned a lot and that you were so glad that you went. In Relief Society today we were talking about trials. One girl raised her hand a told us that she has been having a tough time lately and she read a scripture in John about how the Lord will never leave us comfortless. She said that she changed the way she was looking at things from then on. So what she decided was that on the days when things were going bad she would look for Christ on those days. Like looking at the bright side of things, but really seeing how Christ was there to help her. She said that she noticed that on every bad day that she had, there was always a beautiful sunset that night. She said that now when she sees a pretty sunset, she thinks of it as God's way to make up for the bad day. I think that is true! Another thing that we learned is that we all have to drink out of the bitter cup, but that we need to do so without being bitter. The example that I liked was: boiling water will make an egg hard, but will make a carrot soft. What will it do to you?

I just wanted to write that down so that I didn't forget! Have a happy Sunday, my home teachers are here so I have to go for now...

Heidi, I am working on the 5 crazy things, I am up to 3, I think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the post those were some very good thoughts. & I'm glad to here your working on being tagged.