Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2 weeks

and Counting Down!!!!! 2 Weeks from today I will be DONE with school!!!!! Yeah!!!! I have a lot of HUGE projects due next tuesday and a lot of tests coming up, but I can handle it! And I have an interview for my first out of college job tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!!!

Back to studying....have a great week :)


Anonymous said...

That's AWESOME!! And a real job! How exciting! Are you going to walk? Congratulations!

Gini said...

Lizzie.. let me know when and where and what time the graduation is so we can get it on the calendar.

EXMARC said...

good for you liz, best wishes
wow and your sister had big news too i see..

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! That is awesome. Good luck with the interview!!!

jt said...

go lizzie, go lizzie, and congrats on getting a J-O-B!!

Britt said...

congrats! that is wonderful news.